Welcome to ...

The Envied Nest Academy

A course for non-designers who want designer results without the designer price tag… all in just 60 days!

Perfect for:

  • Families
  • Empty nesters
  • Newlyweds
  • AirBNB hosts
mockup of envied nest academy displayed on 3 different devices
Enroll Now! 

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You’re a homeowner who wishes you could figure out a cohesive way to decorate your house, but you’re a mix of too many ideas, too many paint chips, too much mismatched furniture, and not enough time.
  • You want a designer look, but don’t want to pay a designer price — but you don’t see any other way…
  • You’re overwhelmed by all the different home design shows, bloggers, and influencers, and aren’t even confident you know what your style is — if you even have one at all…
  • You wish you could just leave out a stack of paint chips and a Pinterest board, and maybe the Home Design Fairy would come while you’re asleep, wave her magic wand, and give you the beautiful, functional home you desire (we can all wish, right?!)...
  • You’ve tried the DIY design thing before, but you feel you’re too indecisive and too overwhelmed to really follow through (and those three rooms of yours that are only 60% done aren't exactly helping your outlook on things)...
  • You want to walk through the front door of your home and feel a sense of calm, peace, and maybe even inspiration, but right now, all you feel is apathy at best and stress at worst. You feel your home is so far from where you want it to be.


  • Maybe you have kids and it seems your home design goals are at odds with the never-ending clutter and chaos that just seem to be a part of your home.
  • Or you’re an empty-nester and now that the kids are gone, you’re not sure how to make your home feel intentional and functional…
  • Or you're a newlywed or young couple with a smaller budget, and you want your home to be a haven for your partner and you, but you don’t know where to start…
  • Or you’re an Airbnb host, and your goal is to make your new rental beautiful and functional — and fast! — but all the decision-making and design-related stress is putting you further and further away from being profitable with your new venture…

If any of those sounds like you and your situation, you’re in the right place!

In the Envied Nest Academy, I’ll show you how to get designer results without a designer price tag, even if you have no designer skills or experience!

You can LOVE where you live…

In a home that is both beautiful and functional…

And I'll show you how to make it happen in just 60 days!

Join ...

The Envied Nest Academy

“Who created this?”

Hi, I’m Joyce Anderson, creator of The Envied Nest Academy!

I’ve been a certified professional home stager for over a decade and have had the pleasure of designing hundreds of homes (including three of my own!).

I’ve also worked with clients through my e-design services for the last five years.


I’ve designed everything from small houses to huge mansions, and everything from traditional style to ultra-modern aesthetics.

With all of those experiences, I’ve learned that:

  • Homes can be both beautiful and functional – good home design doesn’t mean you have to compromise comfort and utility.
  • Your home has a direct impact on your life and relationships, after all your environment influences your mood and attitude (for better or worse!).
  • To have a beautiful, comfortable home of your own doesn't mean you have to have a huge budget, a ton of time, or a degree in design.

And that’s exactly why I created
The Envied Nest Academy:

To give homeowners a simple method that empowers them to design and decorate their home in a way that fulfills their needs and desires, all in under two months!

The Envied Nest Academy is especially ideal for…

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Families ...

Home is the hub for a family, but if this environment feels thrown together and unintentional, this can have a trickle-down effect with your whole family dynamic. With what I teach in The Envied Nest Academy, you can build a beautiful, functional, family-friendly home that your whole family will enjoy!

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Newlyweds ...

As newlyweds, your home should be a haven, not an afterthought. Whether you’re short on budget or short on time (or both), it can feel nearly impossible to design and decorate your home — especially if your style differs from your new spouse’s. In this course, we’ll guide you to help you find your style together, then design a beautiful home without a designer budget (even if you’re short on time!).

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Empty-nesters ...

Whether you downsize or redecorate after your kids go off into the world, there’s no denying that the empty-nester stage of life requires a revamping of your home. Inside The Envied Nest Academy, I leverage my own experience as an empty-nester to help you effortlessly design a home that honors your new season of life.

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Airbnb Hosts ...

If you’re an Airbnb host with a new investment property, you know you want to be competitive and have a well-decorated rental that stands out in the listings. But both expenses and timeline can often get in the way of seeing a fast profit (and every week that your rental isn’t listed is another week where you lose money). In this course, I’ll show you how to decorate your new property so it stands out from the competition, and best of all, you’ll go from design to listing in under 60 days!

Here's what life looks like after going through The Envied Nest Academy

  • You’ve designed and decorated your beautiful home without the cost and hassle of working with a designer…
  • Your bank account is happy because you achieved a designer look without a designer budget…
  • Your home feels like a haven — and your family is more harmonious simply because of the change in environment…
  • You walk through the front door, happy to be in a beautiful home that you love
  • You move from room to room, smiling because you’ve landed on a personal style that you were able to implement in every room, so your whole home feels both comfortable and cohesive…
  • You’re proud to host people in your home because it finally feels like it reflects your personality and style, rather than being an afterthought that was simply thrown together…
  • And while your home is beautiful, it’s also functional and meets all of your needs (including, but not limited to accessibility, allergy management, vegan and biophilic options, and more)...

  • And you achieved all of this in just a couple of months because you had a proven method for designing and decorating your home quickly and affordably…

If all of that sounds like where YOU want to be in the next two months, then you need…

The Envied Nest Academy

3 messy books mockup on a bed near a coffee cup

Hi Joyce — OMG — I love it! I didn’t know that room could look like that. I love the bookcases!” 

Tricia H.

Office of business person with desk, armchair of professional, chair for clients, shelves, clock, green plant and two pictures on wall

When you join The Envied Nest Academy, you’ll get access to a simple, but proven method for designing and decorating your home in under 60 days.

We start at the beginning…

Phase 1:

The Foundation

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The course begins here in Phase 1 with an overview of my proprietary S.A.S.S.E. Method for designing and decorating your home!

Phase 2:

The Clean Slate

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Phase 2 takes you through the process of assessing the space as it is right now, determining the cold hard facts, and creating a clean slate to set parameters and build your dream space. We work from the big picture first, then move room by room so your whole home design feels cohesive.

Phase 3:

The Vision

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In Phase 3, we get into the researching, planning, dreaming, and vision-casting of designing your home. By casting a wide net, you’re able to pull in all your needs, preferences, and desires so you can create something that is both beautiful and functional.

Phase 4:

The Plan

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Phase 4 is where the rubber meets the road and all the decorating magic happens! You’ll learn:  

  • Space planning 
  • Lighting design
  • Selecting colors and finishes to set the stage
  • Choosing furnishings 
  • Softening the edges with window treatments and textiles  
  • Selecting artwork and wall decor 
  • Picking out perfect accessories for styling tabletops and shelves with the perfect accessories

Phase 5:

The Transformation

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As your space undergoes its transformation, we press into Phase 5 with some practical tips on dealing with shipping delays, the fine art of making compromises, record-keeping, and installation.

We also address other considerations you may need to manage, such as handicap or elder accessibility, allergy management, vegan and biophilic options, and more.

Phase 6:

The Finishing Touches

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As your space undergoes its transformation, we press into Phase 5 with some practical tips on dealing with shipping delays, the fine art of making compromises, record-keeping, and installation.

We also address other considerations you may need to manage, such as handicap or elder accessibility, allergy management, vegan and biophilic options, and more.

And that’s just the core content!

On top of all of that, you’ll also get access to these bonuses:

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Weekly email coaching 

To help you as you go through the content, keeping you inspired, energized, and focused!

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Private Phone Consult 

30-minute phone consultation with me to help you fine-tune and enhance your glorious design.

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The Style Guide 

Your complete guide and cheat sheet to help define your personal design style.

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A Shopper’s Paradise Vendor List

A collection of many of my favorite retail furniture and decor vendors to get you started on your shopping!

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Charts, spreadsheets, and templates 

Spreadsheets and checklists you can copy and use again and again for every new project to make developing your own systems and style choices easily accessible.

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Purchasing and Implementation Guide 

To help you know what to expect and how to stay organized through the dizzy-ing process of procuring your furnishings and decor.


"Thank you Joyce. I really like the rug and everything else you sourced. I started purchasing some of the items and will definitely order the rug tonight. You hit my color board and design layout perfectly. I appreciate the ideas and it was a pleasure working with you.” 

 Jennifer H.

Got questions? I’ve got answers!

Is there a refund policy?

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Yes! Here is our 14-day Money-back Guarantee: 

If The Envied Nest Academy truly does not help you create a room you can be proud of, simply email us your reasons for dissatisfaction within 14 days of purchase, and we will issue you a full refund. After those 14 days, I'm afraid you're stuck with us! 

(Though I’m sure you’ll see that’s a good thing! ) 

What experience do I need in order to be successful in this course?

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Absolutely no experience needed. No design degrees or certifications. No prerequisites. No fan club memberships. No secret handshake. Just a desire to fulfill your heart within the surroundings of a beautiful, functional, well-designed home!

***This course deals with the decoration of interiors only and does not address structural alterations.

What technology or supplies do I need to have in place to complete this course?

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You’ll need a dependable connection to WiFi, as well as the desire to complete one project. Worksheets and templates are virtual or downloadable — your choice. You may enjoy working with graph paper and pencils, but I’ll also steer you in the direction of some free floor planning apps if you prefer a paperless tool. Once you have completed your first design, I'm pretty sure you'll be hooked!

How much time will it take to get through the course material and complete it?

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This is a self-paced course. How much time do you have, and how much time do you need? 

Depending on the size of the project you want to conquer in this course, it could take you a couple of weeks or a couple of months. It is subjective to the scope of your particular situation. 

The training, if taken successively without completing the assignments, is probably a two-week endeavor. 

But we want you to see results, which means you will have to do some leg work in between the training sessions. 

Remember: You have the resource and accountability of the weekly inbox coaching to sustain you while you’re putting in the work!

How long do I have access to the course, handouts, etc.?

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As long as the internet is in operation, you’ll have access to your course! And, of course, everything in the program is downloadable and captioned for your accessible, WiFi-free enjoyment!

What if I don't have a creative bone in my body? Can I still expect to meet the challenge of decorating my home beautifully by following this course?

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You don't have to be good at drawing, be an art major, or have even chosen a paint color in your life to learn how to construct a beautiful and functional space!

The Envied Nest Academy has all the tools, frameworks, formulas, and techniques you need to discover and release what I call your "inner decorator," and follow a project through from the initial intake assessment to completion. 

Though it will take time and effort on your part, the process is as simple as connecting the dots!

I've tried to redecorate a room/home before and met with miserable results. Why should I hope for a different outcome with The Envied Nest Academy?

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Chances are, you didn’t have access to a process to follow like what I teach inside The Envied Nest Academy!

Once you have this solid methodology under your belt, you’ll know how to succeed with great results every time, in every room.

I don't really know what style I am. Don't I need to know that to create a cohesive look to my design?

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We do cover many of the most replicated styles in The Envied Nest Academy.

Our students also learn how to successfully blend the styles they are drawn to the most in their design projects.

Combining furnishings and decor successfully has more to consider than the "style" of the project.

Our students learn how to use all of these elements, much like following a recipe, to create a look that is perfectly suited to the situation and to their own personal aesthetic, which is likely a combination of multiple styles!

I've never done anything like this before! Is it possible to use the furniture and decor I already have? Or do I have to plan on buying all new things to get a decorator look?

triangle of arrows recirculating

We definitely start with what is already in place. 

Always begin a design with what you have and love. You’ll learn to draw inspiration from, and augment, the beauty that is already there and remove what isn't inspiring joy and creating comfort. 

You don't necessarily need to buy a whole roomful of new furniture to create a cohesive look that is artful and inspiring! We’ll help you achieve that designer look without a designer budget.

14-day Money-back Guarantee:

If The Envied Nest Academy truly does not help you create a room you can be proud of, simply email us within 14 days of purchase, and we will issue you a full refund.

After those 14 days, you're stuck with us! 

(But I think you’ll see that that’s a good thing! 😉 )

“I really like the design and colors. Great job…this looks like me!” 

Linda C.

Living Room with Dark fireplace wall and light neutrals as contrast

Imagine where you could be just sixty days from now.

You're ready to live in a delightfully decorated home you love.  

You're ready to stop ignoring your unsatisfying environment and create something beautiful and functional.  

You're ready to start taking action with a proven method that will help you release your inner designer (but not require that designer’s budget).  

You're ready for the confidence to display your personality and all that you love with style.  

You're ready for The Envied Nest Academy!

Choose your payment option below to join us inside
The Envied Nest Academy!

See you there!

close up of Joyce Anderson with horse looking over her shoulder
computer and multiple devices displaying portions of ena course material

Today only ... When you join The Envied Nest Academy through the end of today, you will get $300 off the retail price of $799! Just choose how you would like to pay from the options below:

One Payment:

Pay the full price today (... minus your $300 fast-action bonus, of course!) for just $499

Enroll Now!

Easy Payment Plan:

Make 4 monthly payments of $150 - you will still save $199 off the retail price if you order today!